"Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his own life."—Herbert Otto

As a skilled therapist, I organize a variety of events, including Women Circles, Shamanic Journeys, and various workshops.

To help you better understand and know yourself, get over your traumas, and become the best version of yourself, I want to share with you healing tools and spiritual wisdom through the workshops and activities I offer.

When conducted in-person, all activities are restricted to a maximum of 20 participants in order to provide you with the best experience and be able to help you in the best way.

Some of these events are also planned online; if you're interested in participating, send me a private message.

I plan my own events, but if you want to plan your own retreat or event, don't hesitate to get in touch with me for more details.

You can look at the Blog section to get more information about the suggested activities.

All activities can be offered in English, French or Spanish