Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

Shamanic Journeys

“Journeying is a lifestyle change.” - S. Kelley Harrell

For a long time, the shamanic journey was only for shamans but now it has become a practice more popular among shamanic amateurs or anyone wishing to deepen their connection with their spiritual guides.

Also known as “soul flight,” the shamanic journey is astral travel where the consciousness intentionally leaves the body and enters the spiritual realms to interact with shamanic spirits.

The shamanic journey is a way to find answers, information, healing, wisdom, and knowledge as well as advice or help in one's personal life.

During the journey, consciousness encounters spirits that can be considered ancestors, elders, gods, goddesses, deceased shamans, spirit guides, power animals, and angels. These beings are considered great sages, endowed with great power and they are ready to help and guide the living who call upon them.

Through the sound of the drum and guided meditation, I accompany you on this astral journey where you will meet your guides to obtain the guidance and/or the healing you need.

The shamanic journey is a very powerful tool and regular practice will allow you to acquire power and autonomy in your personal and inner journey.

“Journeying is a lifestyle change.” -  S. Kelley Harrell

For a long time, the shamanic journey was only for shamans but now it has become a practice more popular among shamanic amateurs or anyone wishing to deepen their connection with their spiritual guides.

Also known as “soul flight,” the shamanic journey is astral travel where the consciousness intentionally leaves the body and enters the spiritual realms to interact with shamanic spirits.

The shamanic journey is a way to find answers, information, healing, wisdom, and knowledge as well as advice or help in one's personal life.

During the journey, consciousness encounters spirits that can be considered ancestors, elders, gods, goddesses, deceased shamans, spirit guides, power animals, and angels. These beings are considered great sages, endowed with great power and they are ready to help and guide the living who call upon them.

Through the sound of the drum and guided meditation, I accompany you on this astral journey where you will meet your guides to obtain the guidance and/or the healing you need.

The shamanic journey is a very powerful tool and regular practice will allow you to acquire power and autonomy in your personal and inner journey.

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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

Sound Healing

The use of instruments like Tibetan bowls, drums, gongs, and therapeutic tuning forks forms the basis of sound healing therapy. Above all, the sound's production encourages a state of mental calm, which enables your body to start mending itself. Because water makes up most of every cell in the body, the high-frequency vibrations of these instruments affect those cells to bring about the desired healing.

“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed” - Mehtab Benton


In order to improve our multidimensional well-being, sound healing utilizes a variety of healing tones, music, and sound healing instruments to create a beautiful experience that gently and lovingly awakens all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul, and spirit).

Integral Sound Healing is incredibly effective at inducing our relaxation response, which works to balance our entire being and counteract the numerous symptoms of chronic stress.

Easy-to-play instruments for sound healing can be used on and off the body, and they can also include vocal sounds and tones.

During a one-on-one sound healing session or sound bath, sound therapy techniques are applied using instruments such as Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, and more.


Benefits of sound therapy include:


  • Muscle relaxation, emotional discharge, and relaxation.

  • Painkilling benefits.

  • Better concentration skills.

  • The immune system is strengthened.

  • An elevated mood.

  • Harmonization of the physical, mental, and energy bodies.

  • Better digestion and sleep.

  • The growth of creativity.



Modalities: in person - Duration: 30 to 90 minutes

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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

Holistic Healing

The use of instruments like Tibetan bowls, drums, gongs, and therapeutic tuning forks forms the basis of sound healing therapy. Above all, the sound's production encourages a state of mental calm, which enables your body to start mending itself. Because water makes up most of every cell in the body, the high-frequency vibrations of these instruments affect those cells to bring about the desired healing.

"The road to healing is a beautiful and timeless journey. It takes work to get there, but every step is worth it."- Unknown

During the session, the holistic treatment considers your entire Being. I provide an intuitive energy treatment in which I primarily use Reiki in conjunction with crystals, mantras, shamanic healing, channeling, sound, chakra therapy, and a conversational time to best accompany you in your healing process.

This can be a one-time or recurring treatment. Your participation in the healing process is critical.

The benefits of the Holistic Healing:

o   Regain self-confidence and power and reconcile and integrate your ego.

o   Promotes relaxation provides peace, joy, and serenity, and reduces stress

o   Relieves pain (muscular, joint, chronic…).

o   Optimizes the effectiveness of medical treatment (especially for serious illnesses).

o   Healing of emotional trauma.

o   Harmonizing and balancing the chakras.

o   Discover your healing tools.

o   Release trauma or sexual blockages.

o   Purify and activate your different multidimensional bodies.

o   Heals past traumas and releases old memories when undertaking long-term work.


Modalities: in person or remotely - Duration: 30 to 90 minutes

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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanism is an ancestral practice found in all cultures and beliefs. Shamanism has no dogma, no doctrine, no founder, it is a method of bringing together healing practices transmitted from master to student. The shaman connects to the invisible worlds to work with his guides to heal his patient. The shaman exercises his art by entering a modified state of consciousness thanks to the beats of the drum. There are as many shamanic practices as there are shamans in the world, everyone develops their practice according to their gifts and personal interests.

“Humans are a part of creation and shamanism is our way of connecting with the whole.”  - Will Adcock

Shamanism is an ancestral practice found in all cultures and beliefs. Shamanism has no dogma, no doctrine, no founder, it is a method of bringing together healing practices transmitted from master to student. The shaman connects to the invisible worlds to work with his guides to heal his patient. The shaman exercises his art by entering a modified state of consciousness thanks to the beats of the drum. There are as many shamanic practices as there are shamans in the world, everyone develops their practice according to their gifts and personal interests.

« Shamans—whom we in the civilized world have called medicine men and witch doctors—are the keepers of a remarkable body of ancient techniques that they use to achieve and maintain well-being and healing for themselves and members of their communities. These shamanic methods are strikingly similar the world over, even for peoples whose cultures are quite different in other respects, and who have been separated by oceans and continents for tens of thousands of years ». (Extract from The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner -Foundation for Shamanic Studies). 

Traditional shamanic practices are, among many others, soul retrieval, divination, energy retrieval through the power animal, the extraction of energetic parasites, the escorting of souls…

Receiving shamanic healing most of the time has a very powerful impact on the patient's life.


In which case to do a shamanic healing session?

Shamanic healing is recommended for the following situations: 

  • Difficulty in mourning a loved one.

  • Feeling of inner emptiness or lack of something in your life.

  • Feeling of disorientation, difficulty moving forward in your life.

  • Pain or chronic and/or genetic illnesses.

  • Lack of vital energy.

  • Feeling of being parasitized energetically and/or physically.

  • Repetition of cycles and behavioral patterns. 

Shamanic healing primarily affects the soul, however the physical body, as a result, is also positively affected after the healing.

The benefits of shamanic healing are:

  • Healing from emotional trauma.

  • Changes in negative thoughts and beliefs.

  • Improved self-confidence.

  • Better relationships.

  • Increased energy.

  • Whole-body connectedness (mind, soul, spirit).

  • Easier decision-making ability.

  • Feelings of inner peace and happiness.

  • Improvements in physical ailments.

  • Lessened depression and anxiety.

  • Stronger immune system and ability to fight disease.

  • New motivation to achieve goals.

  • Ability to grieve.

  • Renewed gratitude.


Modalities: in person or remotely  – Duration: 60 to 120 minutes




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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is a Women Circle and why you should try it?


Since immemorial times and in all traditions, women have always come together to share their life experiences, their daily lives, their worries, and their sorrows, but also to celebrate their femininity (rites of passage, childbirth, death, etc.), to share and transmit feminine knowledge and to heal together.

Since immemorial times and in all traditions, women have always come together to share their life experiences, their daily lives, their worries, and their sorrows, but also to celebrate their femininity (rites of passage, childbirth, death, etc.), to share and transmit feminine knowledge and to heal together.

The arrival of patriarchy has had the consequence of creating rivalry and competition between women and today, more than ever, women need to reconnect with their feminine part to be able to find this benevolent harmony brought by the sisterhood of ancient times.

During women's circles, themes specific to women are discussed: menstrual cycle, maternity, couple, sexuality, diseases of the feminine, spirituality, but not only. As daughters of the Great Goddess, we also reconnect to our divine essence and celebrate the Sacred Feminine in all its forms. We remember our connection to the earth and the moon but also to the sky and the sun, we relearn how to listen to our needs and our body, to respect it, and honor its power, its sensuality, and its beauty, like its vulnerability. We rediscover the power of forgiveness and non-judgment. It is sometimes, even often, necessary to reconnect ourselves to our power of life, which sits in our pelvis, and from which we have cut ourselves off to protect ourselves.

All this work is done through speech, creativity, dance, meditation, and any other activity that encourages expression and letting go to reconnect with our female body and our divine feminine essence.

The different rituals practiced allow us to engage with ourselves and regular participation in the circles promotes our journey through the different female archetypes: the priestess, the initiator, the mother, the goddess, the healer... They all take their place in our lives.

The shape of the circle inherently contains the principle of equality. There is no division, no hierarchy. Each woman has her place in the circle; each is important, in its unique and universal truth and essence at the same time.

The circles I offer are inspired by different ancient traditions: Native American (Womb Keeper, Rite of the 13 Moons, Healing of Ancestral Lineages) and Eastern (Tantra, Shakti Healing) mainly as well as other more modern practices.

Women of all ages and backgrounds can participate in the circles as they are not conditioned by any belief or religion. The most important thing is to be kind and non-judgmental towards the other participants.

The benefits of the women's circle:

  • Reconnect to the biological rhythms of the body and harmonization of your feminine cycle

  • A feeling of peace and well-being

  • Strengthening of self-confidence (in yourself and others) through the bond with other women

  • Renewed energy and self-love

  • Reconnect to your inner power

  • Awakening your power of creativity

  • Connection to the divine part in oneself and discover the power of your energies.

  • Take care of your emotions and accept them.

  • Share your story.

  • Listen to your intuition.



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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

Becoming a Reiki practitioner

Anyone can learn Usui Reiki, even children. There is no link to intellectual skills, mastery of meditation, or healing.

The beauty of Reiki is in its simplicity.

Although there are plenty of websites and books on techniques and practices for learning Reiki, the ability to use Reiki can only be imparted by a Reiki Master who will perform an attunement and alignment that will allow the student to be attuned to the frequency of Reiki energy and create a special connection between the student and the Source of Reiki.


Anyone can learn Usui Reiki, even children. There is no link to intellectual skills, mastery of meditation, or healing.

The beauty of Reiki is in its simplicity. 

Although there are plenty of websites and books on techniques and practices for learning Reiki, the ability to use Reiki can only be imparted by a Reiki Master who will perform an attunement and alignment that will allow the student to be attuned to the frequency of Reiki energy and create a special connection between the student and the Source of Reiki. 


When you are initiated into Reiki, the Reiki energy will stay with you for life. Even if you don't use Reiki for years, you never lose it. However, the more you honor and use Reiki, the more intense it will become.

Following the initiation, simply place your hands gently on yourself or on someone to circulate the healing energy to activate Reiki.


Reiki I is a complete healing system and many people find it a sufficient tool for healing and relaxation. But after some practice, you may feel the call to move on to the advanced level.

Reiki II allows you to do distant healing across time and space and to treat emotional and even spiritual issues.

Practitioners who are called into service choose Reiki Level II to work with.

Reiki III is the level of teaching and is followed only by practitioners who are very strongly called to it.


  • Brings a supplement of energy that re-harmonizes and revitalizes the body.

  • Reduces stress, calms, and relaxes deeply.

  • Promotes relaxation, and provides peace, joy, and serenity.

  • Relieves pain (muscular, joint, chronic…).

  • Stimulates the body's self-regulation and self-healing processes.

  • Reinforces the faculties of recovery after a traumatism.

  • Corrects physical and emotional imbalances by releasing the root causes of emotional blockages stored in cellular memory.

  • Eliminates toxins, purifies, and strengthens the organs.

  • Strengthens the immune system.

  • Optimizes the effectiveness of medical treatment (especially for serious illnesses).

  • Accelerates all spiritual work and personal evolution when meditating with Reiki.

  • Heals past trauma when undertaking long-term work.

  • Adapts to the real needs of the receiver, Energy having its intelligence.

  • Facilitates concentration.

  • Acts on animals, plants, and the planet.


At the beginning of his practice, Dr. Usui offered free Reiki sessions to homeless people in the slums of Kyoto. After a while, he realized that these people did not value the care they received because there was no noticeable change in their lives. He realized that it was important to raise the level of consciousness to allow true healing to take place and so he created the Two Precepts of Reiki: 




Dr. Usui recommended that these students practice a simple ethical ideal to foster balance, peace, and harmony in their lives. These principles remind us never to give our energy to emotions such as anger, fear, or anxiety and above all to let them take control. Honor whom you are by honoring all life. Have faith, be at peace, be grateful, and do your job.







Reiki is biomagnetic energy of very low frequency, it is a measurable magnetic field through pulsations that induces the current circulates between the tissues at a frequency between 0.3 and 30 Hz.

Several medical types of research have established that some of these frequencies correspond to the healing effects on soft and hard tissues.


The practitioner captures the universal energy of the cosmos and the earth and transmits it to the recipient by laying hands on different parts of the body..

The energy then circulates throughout the recipient's body: it aligns, cleans, balances, transforms, and heals what can be healed during the treatment.


Reiki can benefit any form of life with an energy field (animal, plant). In this manual, we will explore how to do a self-healing session, and how to do a one-person session (sitting and lying down).

Self-healing sessions are very important in practice. Receiving Reiki frequently brings balance, harmony, relaxation, and serenity. 

At first, the sensation of Reiki energy moving through your hands can be subtle and difficult to feel. You may not feel much at first as the physical body requires several days to get used to this new sense you are using.

The more you practice, the more intense the sensations will be.


Reiki is restful and relieving energy, the session brings pleasant sensations to the practitioner and the recipient. When you give Reiki, to yourself or someone else, you may feel your hands warm, tingling, heavy, or other unusual sensations. These sensations are a sign that the Reiki energy is flowing and the patient is receiving the energy.

When the sensation diminishes, it is a sign that the receiver has absorbed enough energy in that place and that you can put your hands in another place. 

The person receiving Reiki may experience the same sensations as the practitioner, but more often than not their experiences are very distinct. Reiki energy most often operates at a very subtle level and profound results may not appear until days later. Energy moves to where it is needed; having its intelligence and guided by intention. It works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Possible manifestations of the effects of Reiki on the recipient:

  • Sensation of heat or cold (always have a blanket and socks).

  • Color vision.

  • Memories and memories in the form of flash.

  • Sensation of joy, floating, of “traveling”.

  • Deep state of peace and relaxation.

  • Involuntary and unconscious movements.

  • Deep emotional reaction (tears, laughter...).

  • A heightened sense of perception.

  • Light and/or deep sleep


When Reiki arrived in the West, only truly dedicated "healers" decided to take Reiki Level II. Reiki II allows you to work on clients even if they are not physically present, on past, present, and future situations, and also to work with yourself to heal past traumas.

Reiki II is a very useful tool for working remotely or directly on the person. You can use Reiki II to send healing to people you cannot reach, friends and loved ones under stress, a patient in intensive care, or a disturbed colleague during a meeting. It is also very useful for people on whom it will be difficult for you to put your hands: a patient in a coma or with an infection, open wounds, or people who are culturally inappropriate to touch.

The symbols make the laying of hands much more powerful during the sessions and they help you develop your abilities. You can also use symbols to clean up spaces.

In the three levels of initiation, Reiki is above all based on Intention. Your intention to heal is what keeps Reiki's energy flowing. The more you progress in your practice, the more you will notice that your intention to heal is stronger and more focused, it will be the same for the flow of energy released during your sessions. The energy of intention always returns to the sender.

Before you begin your session, focus your intention to channel the energy for the higher best of your client. You will greatly benefit from these sessions yourself.


Once initiated into Reiki II, you will have access to great energy and you will have the ability to send it through time and space. Your responsibility is therefore increased.

You now can send healing energy to your friends, family, strangers, or situations anywhere in the world. Like any other practice, Reiki becomes more powerful with practice, so with frequent use. So use it often, with respect. 

Remember that you are not a healer but a catalyst for healing. You are only a channel that allows healing energy to flow through you to help others. There is no place for the Ego in the practice of Reiki. The Ego comes to hinders the path of healing and blocks intuition which has great importance in practice.

Reiki can never be used for harm and symbols cannot be used for negative purposes.


The initiation to Reiki II will change you. To facilitate the healing of the client, you must first be healed. In the 6 months following your initiation, you will surely notice a clearing of all emotional baggage, greater mental clarity, and an increased ability to transmit to others.

Some chronic physical conditions may disappear. You may feel more centered and in control. You could also make a drastic life change. Your self-confidence is increased.

Some Reiki Masters suggest that each time you pass a new level, old negative thoughts and emotions begin to be released and pass into our consciousness for healing. These negative feelings and thoughts are an integral part of our healing process: welcome them and then let them go.


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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

The Womb Rite

“Dear Women,

I am so grateful for each of you who have received the Womb Rite and I am also so grateful that you want to share it with other women. I feel that my task of birthing this rite in the world is complete. Now it belongs to all women who are open to receiving it, as well as all men who find it essential to their healing.

Now it is up to the lineage to continue to spread this healing to every corner of the Earth, and in this way heal the Earth. Now, you are the bloodline as much as I am the bloodline. We are women freeing ourselves from suffering.

Continue to nurture this rite until there is no fear or pain in your womb.

Lots of love forever” - Marcela Lobos

“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.” 


The Rite of the Uterus is an initiation whose main purpose is to heal women of the suffering they carry within them, in their womb, about this life, but also about their previous lives and the lineage of women from which they come. Men can also benefit from this transmission since they have a mother and a whole female line from which they come as well as possible past lives as a woman...

This is an important energy transmission where the feminine creative center is rebalanced, where all the wounds, traumas, and suffering experienced in the feminine can be cleansed. In this way, every woman (or even every man) can begin to better understand and manifest who she (he) is in her uniqueness, relieved of all the burdens that can be.


Marcela Lobos was the first woman to receive the 13th rite in March 2014. A journey that lasted 12 years, following a dream she lived in 2002 and which was the beginning of everything...

 In this dream, she was pregnant with a dead baby. Growing up in Chile, a country struggling with dictatorship and terrorism, Marcela felt in her dream that fear was always at her doorstep. She was nearly paralyzed with terror as 4 midwives dressed in white helped her deliver a stillborn baby. Meanwhile, outside his door, men were engaged in a battle with guns. She had woken up, surprised and shaken, with the feeling that this dream was significant but that she did not yet understand its meaning.

Two years later, while she was rearranging her bedroom, one of her diaries fell on the floor and opened to the page where she had described that dream. After a hasty read, she put the newspaper back on the shelf and continued to concentrate on her tasks until she heard a sudden knock on her door. Like those who experience post-traumatic stress disorder, Marcela had been instantly transported back to her past of war, terror, and oppression, and she had been swept into an uncontrollable spiral of panic.

She had just studied the Medicine Wheel with the Four Winds Society, and she heard a voice say to her, “Marcela, practice what you know.” At that time, the spirit of the female jaguar appeared and said to him, "I will teach you the way of the luminous warrior. Keep your focus on your light.”

For Marcela, everything seemed black. But as she applied the principles she had learned, a tangible light began to fill the room and surround her. The knocking on the door continued but his terror quickly faded. That's when the 4 midwives from his dream appeared, coming out of the hearth, saying to him: "Now it's time to deliver you from the dead baby". At that moment, Marcela understood that her "dead baby" was the fear she had been carrying in her womb for almost 3 decades.

As she approached the fire, a line of women stepped forward to lay their hands on Marcela's womb and help release her fear into the fire. Later, while celebrating with dance, these women said to him, “Now you understand and you have the right platform to convey this message to the world. We will be close to you and we will continue to teach you”.

For 10 years, this line of women has strengthened and supported Marcela in her shamanic learning. They stayed by her side during her stays in the Amazon jungle and the Andes.

But it wasn't until March 2014 that Marcela received the message that it was time to share the Womb Rite.

She had taken a group of women to work with the female shamans of the Shipibo nation in the Amazon jungle. During this shamanic stay with them, Marcela again met the 4 midwives who said to her: “Marcela, your uterine womb is ready to offer the 13th rite of Munay-Ki to women. We'll give you a transmission."

Then the midwives proceeded to transfer great wisdom about life into her body. They poured a bright green juice, made from carefully chosen jungle plants, over Marcela's body. This green juice entered every vein in her body until her womb became a glowing green energy sphere.

"It was a purification of my body and my mind," says Marcela. "By giving me this medicine, they gave me the rite, and they told me to give it to as many women as possible because this rite could heal human beings, it could heal any form of life. ".

Furthermore, they told Marcela:

“The womb is not a place to hold fear and pain.

The womb is a place to create and give birth to live”.

Marcela then received the message that she must first offer this rite to her mother. So she visualized her mother and she felt their womb become one. She whispered the rite to her mother and saw the vibrant green color transfer from her womb to her mother's.

Marcela continued to “receive instructions” on how to transmit this rite to a group. It was then that on October 11, 2014, the Rite of the Womb was kicked off for nearly 200 women at Omega. They received the rite from a line of women from the Amazonian jungle.

During this transmission, men drummed and sang in a semicircle around the perimeter of the room. Each woman visualized herself walking inside her body, from the fallopian tubes to the inside of the uterus. Then each of them was welcomed by a shaman who transmitted to her "the 13th rite of Munay-Ki" - the rite of the womb - with the intention of healing women from the suffering they carry in the heart of their womb.

After receiving the seeds of healing, each woman then passed through the ceremonial vagina to be reborn into a new life, welcomed and supported by the love of men.

A week later, she gave the rite to another group of 200 women in California and then to another group of women in Miami at the end of the month. And now the rite continues to be transmitted across the world.

Before the rite of the Womb, there were 9 rites of Munay-Ki.

Even though the Rite of the Womb is the tenth rite to be given to us, this rite is feminine, so it does not follow a linear process.

The lineage that transmitted this rite to us wants us to respect the 13 moons of the year, which corresponds to the menstrual cycles of the uterine womb.


If you have had your uterus removed, it is all the more important that you receive this rite!

Energetically you still have your Womb Matrix and it is vital to reconnect to it to reclaim your feminine wisdom as well as your feminine power.

After receiving the rite, it is fundamental to nurture it on each New Moon (or Black Moon) to heal any imprint of pain or grief and to engage in joy and compassion.


If the women giving and receiving the rite feel it would be appropriate to invite men to their ceremony, then that would be fine.

When men come forward in service to women and the rite, it can be extremely healing for all present. 

Men can prepare sacred spaces so that women feel especially safe.

Additionally, men can strategically place themselves so women feel supported in their healing process. To accentuate their role, men can drum with sticks to tell women that they are there for them.

This rite serves to heal the womb. Sometimes a man may feel the need to heal his womb on a psychic level. Sometimes these men have had very traumatic experiences in their mother's womb or they have had a very dysfunctional relationship with the feminine aspect of life. Also, this rite will have an impact on the womb of his mother but also on all the women he may have been in his past lives.

If a man asks to receive this rite with sincerity of heart, then it is entirely appropriate to give it to him.


If the person delivering the rite already knows how to work with energy at a distance, it could be effective. However, it is highly recommended to receive the rite in person since the quest to reconnect with the feminine aspect is lived in an embodied spirituality.


This is a sacred rite that is transmitted in all humility. This, therefore, requires a certain open-mindedness both in terms of this initiation and in the way of feeling it and integrating it into one's life.

It is about a deep commitment, vis-à-vis yourself but also vis-à-vis any principle of life.

This rite does not replace work on oneself, and on the contrary, for some, it can stir it up. It is therefore aimed at anyone who wishes to evolve on their Spiritual Path.

It's also not about comparing yourself to anyone. The same rite will not be received twice in the same way because no two people are identical, even if there are many similarities. It will activate and help you in due time and in the best way for yourself, who you are in the here and now.

“Dear Women,

I am so grateful for each of you who have received the Womb Rite and I am also so grateful that you want to share it with other women. I feel that my task of birthing this rite in the world is complete. Now it belongs to all women who are open to receiving it, as well as all men who find it essential to their healing.

Now it is up to the lineage to continue to spread this healing to every corner of the Earth, and in this way heal the Earth. Now, you are the bloodline as much as I am the bloodline. We are women freeing ourselves from suffering.

Continue to nurture this rite until there is no fear or pain in your womb.

Lots of love forever” - Marcela Lobos

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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss


What is the Astral Shakti Healing®?

The Astral Shakti Healing® therapy is based on the tantric teachings of the ancient feminine wisdom of the East and was created by Akbal Sandoval (,

It is a therapy focused on the harmonization of the energy centers of the woman, mainly the sexual chakra and the heart chakra (physical, emotional, and energetic healing)

It will heal the bonds with the father and the mother and thus with all the women and all the men in your life.

It will also heal the relationship with oneself to be able to recognize one’s beauty and express it freely without fear.

The Astral Shakti Healing® treatment is a magical energy surgery and works through the connection to the mother goddess, to the feminine energy of the universe, to make it flow within you and awaken the feminine beauty that you have come to manifest by choosing to be born as a woman.

The healing work is a combination of remote energy healing and guided meditation that will take you to the Shakti Garden Temple in the astral plane, a powerful place to activate the Light Codes. 

This magical journey is designed to move and unblock stagnant energies and to reconnect the womb with the heart, for when they are disconnected the woman vibrates from her masculinity.

This therapy, which is an auric "reset", is performed to cleanse the energy of the aura and restore it, leaving it like a baby's aura, ready to receive new programming that is installed to create a new inner and outer reality, reconnecting the aura to the divine power of Father God and Mother Goddess to live in a constant spiritual sensitivity.

The hundreds of therapists who are part of this tribe have received incredible testimonies of healings from all kinds for physical, emotional, psychological, and karmic ailments.


Benefits of the Astral Shakti Healing® Therapy

o   Take care of your feminine.

o   Rediscover your self-confidence and your feminine powers.

o   Letting go of past loves.

o   Heal and recover your eroticism.

o   Release trauma and/or sexual blockages.

o   Take care of your couple or attract your matching partner.

o   Nurture your relationship with the masculine and feminine poles of the universe.

o   Activate your sexual magnetism and attract blessings.

o   Connect to the power of your orgasms.

o   Purify and activate your different multidimensional bodies.

o   Activate and refine your extrasensory perception.

o   Develop the ability to astral travel at will.

o   Programming material realities from the astral plane.

o   Awaken and manifest the Goddess within you!



Modalities: remotely - Duration: 90 minutes



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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique of Japanese origin set up in the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, supplemented by later contributions from the first initiates.

It is a relaxation technique and at the same time a therapeutic practice. Reiki is a method of natural health, a soft medicine, which allows healing in-depth of the body and the spirit.

"Trust the process, you do not need to know how it works, only that it does."- Hazel Butterworth.

Reiki is a healing technique of Japanese origin set up in the 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, supplemented by later contributions from the first initiates.

It is a relaxation technique and at the same time a therapeutic practice. Reiki is a method of natural health, a soft medicine, which allows healing in-depth of the body and the spirit.

Also called KI, this energy has taken different names depending on the country, culture, religion, and tradition. Therefore, in Chinese, it is called Chi, Light for Christianity, Prana for Hindus, and Bioenergy for science. Reiki means Universal Energy, the life force of life.

It is also a way to access meditation and to grant yourself the privilege of being in communion with your deepest Self.

Reiki is the art of channeling the vital energy of the Universe and then transmitting it by laying hands on the body.

The Reiki practitioner becomes a channel through which the energy passes to bring the receiver what he needs during the session in particular and in his life in general.

Reiki is a powerful approach to personal, professional, and spiritual development.

Benefits of Reiki:

o   Brings a supplement of energy that re-harmonizes and revitalizes the body.

o   Reduces stress, calms, and relaxes deeply.

o   Promotes relaxation, and provides peace, joy, and serenity.

o   Relieves pain (muscular, joint, chronic…).

o   Stimulates the body's self-regulation and self-healing processes.

o   Strengthens the ability to recover from trauma.

o   Corrects physical and emotional imbalances by releasing the root causes of emotional blockages stored in cellular memory.

o   It eliminates toxins, purifies, and strengthens the organs.

o   Strengthens the immune system.

o   Optimizes the effectiveness of medical treatment (especially for serious illnesses).

o   Accelerates all spiritual work and personal evolution when meditating with Reiki.

o   Heals past traumas when undertaking long-term work.

o   The Energy has its intelligence and adapts to the real needs of the receiver.

o   Facilitates concentration.

o   Acts on animals, plants, and the planet.



Modalities: in person or remotely - Duration: 30 to 90 minutes



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