“My role is not to heal you; my role is to open a space within you to help you reconnect to your own healing tools.” - Mounia

Like most persons who seek to advance the health and healing of others, I began my path by looking for means to heal myself and come to know who I was and why I was here.

I spent a long time trying to find myself through different academic pursuits (first studying pharmacy, then studying international business), different employment opportunities (I worked as a freelancer in audiovisual and events production in Morocco and abroad for more than ten years), and different human encounters, but I only ended up feeling more lost and even less nourished.

My first encounter with spirituality took place during a trip to India, which was also my introduction to Asia. After this trip, I had to go back to Asia frequently for jobs, trainings, and holidays. The experiences lived through those travels awakened in me the desire and need to deepen my knowledge about the diverse spiritual wisdoms and cultures of the world..

My spirit was calling to me through this, encouraging me to get in touch with my essence. So, in an effort to heal my traumas, I started experimenting with different therapies. As my healing process continued, I came to understand how crucial it was to share my story in order to encourage others on their own healing path. I made the decision to start on this lovely path of service to humanity after starting to see the results of my own healing work and also being encouraged by my own mentors..

Since 2014, I've received trainings in a variety of spiritual modalities and practices that can be used to treat the many parts of the being and promote lasting healing. I employ a holistic and intuitive approach to treatment; therefore I focus on the physical, emotional, mental, and, more subtly, etheric aspects of the body (soul).

I work closely with my patients to customize each therapy to meet their unique needs. The goal of this process is to assist the consultant in re-establishing contact with their inner selves and living a life more in line with their heart's wishes. We jointly define the process and allow it to evolve in response to the consultant's development and dedication to her/his own healing.

I still practice today, and I make an effort to impart as many of the things I've learned from my adventures, my travels, and the beautiful people I've encountered.

I invite you to re-establish the connection with yourself by embarking on a variety of trips, including holistic retreats and excursions as well as spiritual journeys (healing sessions, meditations, women's circles, workshops and travels).

It would be an honour to walk this path with you!

Mounia Bendriss


My trainings and certifications

  • Bachelor of Science – International Business – SKEMA School - FRANCE

  • Reiki Usui Master Teacher

  • Shamanism (Foundation for Shamanic Studies)

  • Astral Shakti Healing®

  • Moon Mother Level 1 – Miranda Gray Training

  • Sound Healing (Tibetan bowls, Sound journeys)

  • Light Language

  • Isis Healing System

  • Access Bars

  • Tantra

  • Womb Keeper

  • 13th Rite of the Womb

  • Transgenerational Healing

  • Yoga & Ayurveda

  • Akashic Record Reading