Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanism is an ancestral practice found in all cultures and beliefs. Shamanism has no dogma, no doctrine, no founder, it is a method of bringing together healing practices transmitted from master to student. The shaman connects to the invisible worlds to work with his guides to heal his patient. The shaman exercises his art by entering a modified state of consciousness thanks to the beats of the drum. There are as many shamanic practices as there are shamans in the world, everyone develops their practice according to their gifts and personal interests.

“Humans are a part of creation and shamanism is our way of connecting with the whole.”  - Will Adcock

Shamanism is an ancestral practice found in all cultures and beliefs. Shamanism has no dogma, no doctrine, no founder, it is a method of bringing together healing practices transmitted from master to student. The shaman connects to the invisible worlds to work with his guides to heal his patient. The shaman exercises his art by entering a modified state of consciousness thanks to the beats of the drum. There are as many shamanic practices as there are shamans in the world, everyone develops their practice according to their gifts and personal interests.

« Shamans—whom we in the civilized world have called medicine men and witch doctors—are the keepers of a remarkable body of ancient techniques that they use to achieve and maintain well-being and healing for themselves and members of their communities. These shamanic methods are strikingly similar the world over, even for peoples whose cultures are quite different in other respects, and who have been separated by oceans and continents for tens of thousands of years ». (Extract from The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner -Foundation for Shamanic Studies). 

Traditional shamanic practices are, among many others, soul retrieval, divination, energy retrieval through the power animal, the extraction of energetic parasites, the escorting of souls…

Receiving shamanic healing most of the time has a very powerful impact on the patient's life.


In which case to do a shamanic healing session?

Shamanic healing is recommended for the following situations: 

  • Difficulty in mourning a loved one.

  • Feeling of inner emptiness or lack of something in your life.

  • Feeling of disorientation, difficulty moving forward in your life.

  • Pain or chronic and/or genetic illnesses.

  • Lack of vital energy.

  • Feeling of being parasitized energetically and/or physically.

  • Repetition of cycles and behavioral patterns. 

Shamanic healing primarily affects the soul, however the physical body, as a result, is also positively affected after the healing.

The benefits of shamanic healing are:

  • Healing from emotional trauma.

  • Changes in negative thoughts and beliefs.

  • Improved self-confidence.

  • Better relationships.

  • Increased energy.

  • Whole-body connectedness (mind, soul, spirit).

  • Easier decision-making ability.

  • Feelings of inner peace and happiness.

  • Improvements in physical ailments.

  • Lessened depression and anxiety.

  • Stronger immune system and ability to fight disease.

  • New motivation to achieve goals.

  • Ability to grieve.

  • Renewed gratitude.


Modalities: in person or remotely  – Duration: 60 to 120 minutes




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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss


What is the Astral Shakti Healing®?

The Astral Shakti Healing® therapy is based on the tantric teachings of the ancient feminine wisdom of the East and was created by Akbal Sandoval (,

It is a therapy focused on the harmonization of the energy centers of the woman, mainly the sexual chakra and the heart chakra (physical, emotional, and energetic healing)

It will heal the bonds with the father and the mother and thus with all the women and all the men in your life.

It will also heal the relationship with oneself to be able to recognize one’s beauty and express it freely without fear.

The Astral Shakti Healing® treatment is a magical energy surgery and works through the connection to the mother goddess, to the feminine energy of the universe, to make it flow within you and awaken the feminine beauty that you have come to manifest by choosing to be born as a woman.

The healing work is a combination of remote energy healing and guided meditation that will take you to the Shakti Garden Temple in the astral plane, a powerful place to activate the Light Codes. 

This magical journey is designed to move and unblock stagnant energies and to reconnect the womb with the heart, for when they are disconnected the woman vibrates from her masculinity.

This therapy, which is an auric "reset", is performed to cleanse the energy of the aura and restore it, leaving it like a baby's aura, ready to receive new programming that is installed to create a new inner and outer reality, reconnecting the aura to the divine power of Father God and Mother Goddess to live in a constant spiritual sensitivity.

The hundreds of therapists who are part of this tribe have received incredible testimonies of healings from all kinds for physical, emotional, psychological, and karmic ailments.


Benefits of the Astral Shakti Healing® Therapy

o   Take care of your feminine.

o   Rediscover your self-confidence and your feminine powers.

o   Letting go of past loves.

o   Heal and recover your eroticism.

o   Release trauma and/or sexual blockages.

o   Take care of your couple or attract your matching partner.

o   Nurture your relationship with the masculine and feminine poles of the universe.

o   Activate your sexual magnetism and attract blessings.

o   Connect to the power of your orgasms.

o   Purify and activate your different multidimensional bodies.

o   Activate and refine your extrasensory perception.

o   Develop the ability to astral travel at will.

o   Programming material realities from the astral plane.

o   Awaken and manifest the Goddess within you!



Modalities: remotely - Duration: 90 minutes



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