Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

What is a Women Circle and why you should try it?

“When women gather, magic happens!” - Unknown

“When women gather, magic happens!” - Unknown

The Essence and Power of Women’s Circles

Since time immemorial, women have gathered to share their experiences, joys, challenges, and wisdom. They celebrated rites of passage, supported one another through life’s transitions, and healed together in unity. These gatherings were sacred spaces for women to embrace their femininity and pass down knowledge from one generation to the next.

With the rise of patriarchy, competition and rivalry replaced this deep sisterhood, leaving women disconnected from their feminine essence. Now, more than ever, there is a need for women to reclaim this benevolent harmony and reconnect with the nurturing power of sisterhood.

What Happens in a Women’s Circle?

In a women’s circle, topics central to women’s lives are explored:

• Menstrual cycles and feminine health.

• Motherhood and relationships.

• Transgenerational healing work

• Sexuality and spirituality.

• Feminine wisdom and connection to nature.

We honor our divine essence as daughters of the Great Goddess and celebrate the Sacred Feminine in all its forms. By reconnecting with the earth, moon, sky, and sun, we learn to listen to our bodies, respect their needs, and embrace their power, sensuality, beauty, and vulnerability.

Through sharing, dance, creativity, meditation, and ritual, women in the circle rediscover their inner strength, awaken their intuitive wisdom, and nurture their emotional well-being. Regular participation helps to embody various female archetypes such as the Priestess, Mother, Healer, and Goddess, integrating these aspects into daily life.

The rituals practiced within the circle are inspired by ancient traditions such as Native American teachings (Womb Keeper, Rite of the 13 Moons, Healing Ancestral Lineages) and Eastern practices (Tantra, Shakti Healing), as well as contemporary methods.

Why Join a Women’s Circle?

• Reconnect with Your Feminine Cycle: Harmonize your natural rhythms and feel more in tune with your body.

• Foster Peace and Well-Being: Experience a sense of calm and emotional balance.

• Strengthen Self-Confidence: Build trust in yourself and others through a supportive sisterhood.

• Energize and Love Yourself: Renew your inner vitality and self-compassion.

• Awaken Creativity: Unlock your creative potential and intuition.

• Embrace Your Divine Power: Connect with your higher self and honor the Sacred Feminine within.

• Heal and Accept Emotions: Safely express and process emotions in a non-judgmental space.

• Share and Listen: Tell your story, hear others, and feel seen and heard.

The Circle as a Sacred Space

The shape of the circle symbolizes equality—no hierarchy, no division. Every woman has a place and contributes her unique truth and essence.

Open to women of all ages and backgrounds, these circles are not bound by religion or specific beliefs. The only requirement is kindness and a non-judgmental attitude toward fellow participants.

By joining a women’s circle, you’ll find a sacred space to nurture your mind, body, and spirit while reconnecting with the timeless wisdom of sisterhood. 

This therapy is available in English, French and Spanish 

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Mounia Bendriss Mounia Bendriss

The Rite of the Womb

“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.” 

“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.” 

What is the Rite of the Womb?

The Rite of the Womb is a sacred initiation aimed at healing the deep wounds, traumas, and suffering carried within the womb—whether from this life, past lives, or the ancestral lineage of women. Although rooted in feminine healing, men can also benefit from this rite as they carry the imprint of the feminine through their mothers, female lineage, and even past lives as women.

This powerful energy transmission rebalances the creative center of the womb, releasing pain and restoring the womb’s essence as a place of creation and life. By undergoing this rite, one is freed from burdens, enabling a clearer understanding and embodiment of their unique essence.

The History of the Rite of the Womb

The 13th Rite, also known as the Womb Rite, was first received by Marcela Lobos in March 2014 after a profound 12-year journey of spiritual awakening that began with a dream in 2002.

In her dream, Marcela was pregnant with a stillborn baby while midwives assisted her amid an atmosphere of fear and chaos. Growing up in Chile under dictatorship and terrorism, Marcela later realized the dead baby symbolized the fear she had carried in her womb for decades.

Through her shamanic studies with the Four Winds Society, Marcela learned to confront this fear. The spirit of a female jaguar guided her toward becoming a luminous warrior, and the midwives reappeared, urging her to release her fear into a ceremonial fire. Supported by ancestral women, Marcela experienced a profound healing and was entrusted with the responsibility of sharing this wisdom.

Years later, during a shamanic retreat in the Amazon jungle, Marcela met the midwives again, who transmitted the Womb Rite to her through a sacred ritual involving jungle plant medicine. They told her:

“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain. The womb is a place to create and give birth to life.”

After first offering the rite to her mother, Marcela began sharing it with groups of women worldwide. Since October 2014, the Womb Rite has been transmitted globally, empowering individuals to heal their wombs and reclaim their feminine essence.

Who Can Receive the Rite?


Regardless of whether a woman has had her uterus removed, the energetic matrix of the womb remains. Receiving this rite helps reconnect with feminine wisdom, power, and creative energy.


Men may also receive the rite if they feel called to heal their connection to the feminine, address traumatic experiences in their mother’s womb, or balance the feminine aspects of their lives.

Distant initiation:

While it is possible to transmit the rite at a distance for those adept in energy work, receiving it in person is highly recommended to fully embody the spiritual and physical aspects of the experience.

The Ceremony and Its Meaning

The Womb Rite is a sacred and deeply personal experience. Each transmission is unique, activating healing and transformation in the way most suited to the individual’s needs at that moment. It involves reconnecting with the womb’s creative energy and releasing imprints of pain and grief.

The ceremony may include:

• Preparation of the Sacred Space: A space of safety and reverence is created, sometimes with the involvement of men in supportive roles.

• Transmission of the Rite: Women visualize walking into their wombs, guided by shamans or facilitators, to receive the rite’s healing energy.

• Rebirth Ritual: Participants pass through a symbolic ceremonial vagina, signifying a rebirth into a life of joy, compassion, and creation.

Benefits of the Womb Rite

• Releases fear, trauma, and ancestral pain.

• Restores balance to the womb as a center of creation and life.

• Enhances self-awareness and creative expression.

• Strengthens connection to feminine wisdom and power.

• Promotes emotional healing and inner peace.

• Deepens spiritual alignment and connection to life’s cycles.

Important Considerations

The Womb Rite is a sacred commitment to oneself and the principles of life. It is not a substitute for personal growth work but a powerful complement to it. The rite may stir deep emotions and bring buried issues to the surface for healing, making it suitable for those ready to evolve on their spiritual path.

No two people experience the rite in the same way; its effects unfold uniquely for each individual, activating transformation at the right time and pace.

By embracing this sacred initiation, participants honor the timeless wisdom of the feminine, heal their lineage, and create a path of renewal and joy for future generations.

“Dear Women,

I am so grateful for each of you who have received the Womb Rite and I am also so grateful that you want to share it with other women. I feel that my task of birthing this rite in the world is complete. Now it belongs to all women who are open to receiving it, as well as all men who find it essential to their healing.

Now it is up to the lineage to continue to spread this healing to every corner of the Earth, and in this way heal the Earth. Now, you are the bloodline as much as I am the bloodline. We are women freeing ourselves from suffering.

Continue to nurture this rite until there is no fear or pain in your womb.

Lots of love forever” - Marcela Lobos

This therapy is available in English, French and Spanish 

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